IMS-Pennsylvania Participating Carriers
Access to IMS is available at no charge to Insurance Agents & Brokers members.
Appointments are based on mutually beneficial and profitable relationships, and no appointments are guaranteed.
Personal Lines
Branch, Foremost Signature Home & Auto, JIBNA, Millers Mutual Insurance Company, NatGen Flood, Progressive, Prudent Pet,, Semsee, Travelers
Commercial Lines
Attune, Coterie, Cowbell Cyber, Foxquilt, Frederick Mutual Insurance Company, NatGen Flood, Normandy Insurance Company, Progressive, RMS Hospitality, Workpartners
Returning agent?
If you’re previously submitted an application and want to request a sub-appointment for a new or additional carrier, please email Jean Bloszinsky.
Agency appointments are not guaranteed. Annual New Business production commitment is required for consideration. Agency is responsible for all producer licensing fees.
Businessowners' Policy (BOP), Workers' Compensation (WC), Commercial Flood Insurance, Cyber Liability Insurance, General Liability and Professional Liability
BOP: 15% new business and 12.5% renewal
WC (Highly Preferred Classes): 14% new and 10% renewal
WC (Preferred/Standard Classes): 12% new and 10% renewal
WC (Non-Preferred Classes): 10% new and 8% renewal
Flood: 10% new business and 8% renewal
GL and PL: 15% new and 12.5% renewal
Cyber: 15% new and 15% renewal
Commissions paid by Carrier
All lines of business noted above are available in the state of Pennsylvania.
The Attune agency agreement is between Independent Market Solutions (IMS) and the carrier. When you agree to and e-sign the subproducer agreement during this application process, you also agree to the instructions, guidelines, policies, and procedures contained in the agency agreement.
Personal Lines - Auto (renters as an endorsement on auto), Home (umbrella as an endorsement on the home)
Auto & Home Bundle: 15% - New; 13% - Renewal
Monoline Home or Auto 1: 13% - New; 11% - Renewal
Monoline Renters 2: 13% - New; 11% - Renewal
Auto & Renters Bundle 3: 13% - New; 11% - Renewal
Branch has temporarily suspended partnering with new agents in Pennsylvania.
The Branch agency agreement is between Independent Market Solutions (IMS) and the carrier. When you agree to and e-sign the subproducer agreement during this application process, you also agree to the instructions, guidelines, policies, and procedures contained in the agency agreement.
Business Owners Policy (BOP), General Liability (GL), Professional Liability (PL)
How to Quote Small Business Insurance Quickly with Coterie (video)
TOP 100 Business Classes Where Coterie writes 100% Businesses
For BOP/GL/PL: 15% new and renewal
Commissions paid by Independent Market Solutions
BOP and GL are available in all states
PL is currently available in all states except: CO, FL, IL, LA, MA, MN, MT, NH, NY, ND, VT, VA
The Coterie agency agreement is between Independent Market Solutions (IMS) and the carrier. When you agree to and e-sign the subproducer agreement during this application process, you also agree to the instructions, guidelines, policies, and procedures contained in the agency agreement.
Admitted and A Rated
Excluded Classes
Utilities, Satellite Communications, Data Processing, Hosting, Aviation, Cannabis, and Public
Colleges and Universities, Accounts with claims.
Limits from $50,000 to $5,000,000
Accounts up to $100M in revenue
Instant quote, bind, issue
Direct bill
Commissions paid by Carrier
Admitted coverage in AZ, CA, CO, GA, IN, IA, IL, MI, MN, MS, NE, NV, OH, OR, PA, TX, UT, WI.
Foremost SignatureSM: Standard and Preferred Home & Automobile, Condominium Unit Owner, Personal Excess Liability Policy, Renters
Commissions ranging from 8% to 15% based on line of business.
Commissions paid by Independent Market Solutions
Foremost has temporarily suspended partnering with new agents in the state.
Foremost Signature Auto & Home agency agreement is between Independent Market Solutions (IMS) and the carrier. When you e-sign the sub-producer agreement during the application process, you also agree to the instructions, guidelines, policies, and procedures contained in the agency agreement. The contract will be provided after the appointment is approved by Foremost.
Artisan Contractors, Licensed Trades, Residential and Commercial Contractors, Personal Services, Event Services, Pet Services, eCommerce, Home-based Commerce Business, Online Marketplace Sellers (Amazon etc.)
15.5% new business
13% renewal
Contractors and Personal Services (no eCommerce)
No location restriction on any classes except exterior contracting work in the NYC boroughs
Cross-state work accepted
No product sourcing restriction for ecommerce classes
New ventures accepted
100% insured sub contractors accepted
No new construction work
Foxquilt appointment gives the sub producer direct access to the agenbt portal - Foxden - for instant quote, bind and manage access. The Foxquilt agency agreement is between Independent Market Solutions (IMS) and the carrier. When you agree to and e-sign the subproducer agreement during this application process, you also agree to the instructions, guidelines, policies, and procedures contained in the agency agreement.
Business Owners Policy (BOP), Commercial Umbrella, Commercial Service Line, Contractors E&O, Tech Advantage (Equipment Breakdown), Commercial Inland Flood, Cyber Suite, Employment Practices Liability , Miscellaneous Professional Liability
Varies by line of business and class of business with an average of 16%.
Commissions paid by Independent Market Solutions
Business Owners Policy (BOP) and Commercial Umbrella – Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania
Commercial Umbrella are not available on a monoline basis.
The Frederick Mutual Insurance Company agency agreement is between Independent Market Solutions (IMS) and the carrier. When you agree to and e-sign the sub-producer agreement during this application process, you also agree to the instructions, guidelines, policies, and procedures contained in the agency agreement.
Personal Jewelry
20% on new business (fully complete submissions)
10% on renewals and endorsements
Commissions paid by Carrier
Available in all states and DC (approved but currently not writing in Kentucky)
Individual item limit $500,000; Schedules $2.5 million (higher limits available)
Minimum premium $50 (Worldwide coverage)
No blanket coverage
Special perils (All Risk) coverage including mysterious disappearance
No-deductible standard coverage (100/250/500/1000 available)
Exposure rated
Older appraisals (typed) acceptable
The JIBNA (Jewelry Insurance Brokerage of North America) agency agreement is between
Independent Market Solutions (IMS) and JIBNA. When you agree to and e-sign the sub-
producer agreement during this application process, you also agree to the instructions,
guidelines, policies and procedures contained in the agency agreement
Millers Mutual is the Premier writer of single & multifamily housing investment properties, garden-style apartments, off-campus student housing, row homes and affordable housing which is written on a BOP.
13% New and 13% Renewal – Secondary IMS Appointment
10% New and 10% Renewal – Riverside Brokerage Option (No production commitment)
Commissions paid by Independent Market Solutions
Available statewide
Note: E&O minimum coverage of $1MM/$2MM is required.
Millers Mutual Insurance Company agency agreement is between Independent Market Solutions (IMS) and the carrier. When you agree to and e-sign the subproducer agreement during this application process, you also agree to the instructions, guidelines, policies, and procedures contained in the agency agreement. Contract will be provided after appointment approved by Millers Mutual.
Beyond Floods Excess & Surplus private flood – residential only
NFIP/ Federal Flood – residential & commercial
Beyond Floods E & S – 14% New/Renewal/ bonus potential available for book analysis
NFIP/Federal Flood – 20% New/Renewal/Rollover
Commissions paid by Independent Market Solutions
We are open and appointing for all flood products in Pennsylvania
The National General agency agreement is between Independent Market Solutions (IMS) and the carrier. When you agree to and e-sign the sub producer agreement during this application process, you also agree to the instructions, guidelines, policies, and procedures contained in the agency agreement.
Normandy Insurance Company provides workers’ compensation insurance for industries including: restaurants, light manufacturing, landscapers, health care, cannabis & medical marijuana operations, retail stores and many more. General liability insurance is also available through a proprietary program
12% New 10% Renewal
Commissions paid by Independent Market Solutions
Normandy will consider new ventures, a lapse in coverage, shock loss risks
Construction class codes require 1 yr prior coverage
Home Health Care requires 3 yrs of prior coverage
High Mods also considered
The Normandy agency agreement is between Independent Market Solutions (IMS) and Normandy Insurance. When you agree to sign the sub producer agreement during this application process, you will also agree to the instructions, guidelines, policies and procedures contained in the agency agreement. This also applies to the proprietary program for GL and Workers Compensation.
Commercial and Personal Auto, Renters, Motorcycle, Boat and Recreational Vehicles
Personal Auto w/ proof of prior, no lapse in coverage, safe driver, and HO NEW: 13%
Personal Auto w/ proof of prior, no lapse in coverage, safe driver, and HO REN: 8%
Personal Auto w/ proof of prior, no lapse in coverage and No HO NEW: 11%
Personal Auto w/ proof of prior, no lapse in coverage and No HO REN: 8%
Personal Auto w/ No proof of prior auto ins and No owned home NEW: 8%
Personal Auto w/ No proof of prior auto ins and No owned home REN: 6%
Motorcycle NEW: 13%
Motorcycle REN: 8%
Boat NEW: 8%
Boat REN: 8%
Recreational Vehicle NEW: 8%
Recreational Vehicle REN: 8%
Commercial Auto NEW: 8%
Commercial Auto REN: 8%
Commissions paid by Independent Market Solutions
Agents must write two policies per month.
Must be in good standing with Progressive
Must not have been previously terminated by Progressive
Applicant must operate and maintain a storefront or retail location for their operation
Agency must maintain both and agency license and a producer license
Please email for a copy of the agreement.
Personal Lines: Pet Insurance
Prudent Pet offers Comprehensive Accident & Illness plans or Accident-Only plans, with the ability to customize coverage and pricing options that work best for your customer’s budget. Pet insurance works on a reimbursement basis. The customer pays the vet directly, then submits their bill and we reimburse eligible expenses.
Annual limits from $2,500 to Unlimited
Deductibles from $100 to $1,000
Reimbursement Rates at 70%, 80% and 90%
Optional Coverage add-on’s include: Veterinary Exam Fee Coverage and/or Optional Wellness Coverage.
All Lines- 18% new business, 10% renewal
Commissions paid by Carrier
Personal Lines: Prudent Pet insurance is available statewide. Company requires a minimum of 100 policyholders for appointment consideration.
The Prudent Pet agency agreement is between Independent Market Solutions (IMS) and the carrier. When you agree to and e-sign the agreement during this application process, you also agree to the instructions, guidelines, policies, and procedures contained in the agency agreement.
General Liability, Liquor Liability & Assault & Battery for Hospitality Risks are written with Clear Blue Specialty and United National Group. Franchise Food General Liability and Property plus WC are written with Crum & Forster Specialty Insurance.
Clear Blue Specialty General Liability 10% new and 10% renewal. United National General Liability 10% new and 10% renewal. Crum & Forster General Liability, Property and WC 10% new business and 10% renewal.
Commissions paid by Carrier
General Liability, Liquor Liability & Assault & Battery for Hospitality Risks is available in all states except for VT and the District of Columbia DC. The Franchise Food package is written in all 50 states.
The RMS HG agency agreement is between Independent Market Solutions (IMS) and RMS Hospitality Group. When you agree to and e-sign the sub producer agreement during this application process, you also agree to the instructions, guidelines, policies, and procedures contained in the agency agreement. Note some programs and Excess and Surplus Lines.
Auto, BOP, Cyber, Cyber Surplus, Excess Liability, GL, LRO, Management Liability, MPL, Products Liability, Property, Terrorism, Motor Truck Cargo, Trucking Liability, Umbrella, Vacant Property, WC, Workplace Violence
Competitive Commissions vary by carrier and product currently range from 6-19%
Commissions paid by Carrier
The Semsee agreement is between Independent Market Solutions (IMS) and Semsee. When you agree to and e-sign the sub-producer agreement during this application process, you also agree to the instructions, guidelines, policies, and procedures contained in the Semsee agreement.
(Personal) Automobile, Homeowners, Dwelling Fire, Specialty Lines
Auto – up to 10% New and Renewal
Home – up to 16% New and Renewal
Specialty Lines – Varies depending on product. Available upon Request
Commissions paid by Independent Market Solutions
Agency is operational for a minimum of 3 years.
Agency must operate and maintain a retail location for their operation
Size of agency staff 3+
Agency preferably has and follows a formal written business plan
Automation is in place. Agency management system as well as a comparative rater.
Agency has a personal lines focus, with a strong quote flow, and an appetite to grow their agencies preferred auto and umbrella insurance.
Minimum new business expectation is 2-3 preferred auto/umbrella sales a month with Travelers.
Profitable with current carriers
Agency committed to using Travelers Customer Care Center(CCC) Program
The Travelers agency agreement is between Independent Market Solutions (IMS) and the carrier. When you agree to and e-sign the subproducer agreement during this application process, you also agree to the instructions, guidelines, policies, and procedures contained in the agency agreement. Contract will be provided after appointment approved by Travelers.
Workpartners provides workers’ compensation insurance for all industries except for contracting, trucking, oil, and gas.
14% New 14% Renewal
Commissions paid by Independent Market Solutions
Workpartners will consider new ventures with a minimum premium of $750. See target risk classes here.
High Mods considered
Our current retention rate is 94% vs the industry average of 85%
Lower than industry caseloads with an average of more than 20+ years of experience per adjuster
93% of claims closed in 18 months
Dedicated local Underwriter that handles New and Renewal Accounts
Dedicated Account Managers and Risk Control Managers
Workpartners agency agreement is between Independent Market Solutions (IMS) and Workpartners Insurance. When you agree to sign the sub producer agreement during this application process, you will also agree to the instructions, guidelines, policies and procedures contained in the agency agreement.
Independent Market Solutions facilitates relationships between agents who are unable to secure company appointments due to any number of reasons, and carriers with an appetite for writing coverage.